Demo brewers from Telemark: Halvor & Terje

Terje Haugen making juniper infusion.

This year’s demo brewers who will be brewing a beer in the hall is Halvor Bjåland and Terje Haugen from Morgedal in Telemark. Since they are from eastern Norway, they will be the first ever to demonstrate the brewing methods of eastern Norway at the festival.

The two of them make up what they call Morgedal susle og ølbryggarlag (Morgedal sipping and beer brewing association), and they have been brewing together in Morgedal for many years. They’ve also done brewing demonstrations and courses around Telemark.

They’ll be starting the demonstration at 1900 on Friday evening, then continuing Saturday morning.

Halvor removing foam from the kettle.

Talk by Mika Laitinen

Mika Laitinen will be doing a talk at the festival this year. This time about «Taari, Karelian Farmhouse Ale», a type of farmhouse ale that used to be brewed in Karelia (eastern Finland) using the great Finnish oven.

Mika has been experimenting with this type of beer to understand the brewing process and the use of the oven, and now thinks he knows how to brew it correctly.

Mika is a Finnish author and home brewer who has written several books about beer in Finnish, and in 2019 he published Viking-Age Brew. He also runs the Brewing Nordic blog, and is an authority on Finnish farmhouse brewing and medieval brewing.

Below a photo of the oven-baked taari mash, and the bucket used for lautering.

Olu Bryki Raum

The Finnish brewery Olu Bryki Raum will be attending the festival. They are a commercial brewery dedicated to traditional Finnish farmhouse ales, brewing variations of sahti from different Finnish regions and historical periods. Their passion is demonstrating ancient brewing methods at medieval fairs, as you see in the photo above.

We don’t know exactly what beers they will bring, but we are confident that you will be able to taste something exciting you haven’t had before.

Foredrag om kveik-forskingen

Portrett av Lars Marius Garshol

Lars Marius Garshol skal holde et foredrag om nyheter fra kveikforskningen de siste årene. Her kommer mer informasjon om hva det er som gjør at kveik oppfører seg slik den gjør, og også nyheter om hva som faktisk finnes i de forskjellige kulturene og hvordan de henger sammen. Noe av dette er publisert allerede, og noe ikke.

English: Lars Marius Garshol will do a talk on recent advances in kveik research.

Foredrag om vikingenes øl

Vi har vært så heldige å få Karoline Kjesrud til å komme på festivalen og snakke om vikingenes øl.

Karoline Kjesrud er førsteamanuensis ved Arkeologisk seksjon ved Universitetet i Oslo. Hun har bakgrunn fra tverrfaglige middelalderstudier og har kulturhistorisk interesse for gårdsdrift. Hun studerer menneskers kunnskap om og bruk av planter fra vikingtid frem til i dag, og har spesialisert seg på planteikonografi, norrøne legebøker og arkeobotanikk.

English: Karoline Kjesrud, from the archeology section at the University of Oslo, will give a talk on viking beer. It’s not yet decided if this will be in English or Norwegian.

The festival board 2022

We’ve made it into a tradition to present each year’s board before the festival, so people know who is organizing this.

The festival is formally organized as a «forening», which is strictly non-profit. All the festival’s income goes to arranging the festival, and the board members get no pay, although they do have some of their costs covered.

As usual, there have been changes to the board, so we’ll start with the new member.

Jogeir Svee Halland

Jogeir joined us this year, to replace Roar Sandodden.

Jogeir is an automation engineer. He grew up in the small village Urke, not far from Hornindal. He is now running a farm in Stjørdal where he makes his own malt from his own grain, and brews with it to make the traditional Stjørdalsøl.

Vidar Skeie

Daglig leder Vidar Skeie i Vaksdal Næringsselskap.

Vidar is the festival chair. He took over last year from Lars Marius Garshol. Vidar comes from Voss, and is managing director at Vaksdal Næringsselskap and also very active politically. He has a huge network of contacts, and persistent rumours have it that he knows every single person in Western Norway personally. He has long experience at arranging concerts and other cultural events.

Lena Cathrin Nordal Vedeld

Lena has joined us as accountant, replacing Arve Sundnes. She’s a professional accountant, so our fairly simple accounts should be a breeze for her. She’s a home brewer, and makes crisp bread from the spent grain. Also a mushroom picker, baker, knitter, and enthusiastic mountain hiker.

Dag Jørgensen

Dag also comes from Voss, the third of the major Norwegian brewing regions. He is brewer and co-founder at Voss Bryggeri, and knows many farmhouse brewers in the Voss region. He also has experience brewing farmhouse ales commercially, and in trying to explain to people what it is.

Eirik Hoem

Eirik is a software engineer living in Ørsta, near Hornindal. He joined the board in 2019, and is responsible for the kitchen serving food at the festival.

Gard Severin Mek

Gard is William Holden’s brother. He lives in Ålesund and handles accomodation, the volunteers, and many other odd jobs.

Ståle Raftevold

Ståle works in the offshore oil industry. He lives in Hornindal, where he’s brewed traditional kornøl for several decades. (He’s the brother of Terje Raftevold.) Ståle takes care of setting up the hall for the festival and cleaning up the mess afterwards, as well as innumerable other tasks best handled by a local.

Roar Sandodden

Roar is a freshwater biologist by day, and helps the festival with communications with the commercial breweries and much else. Roar is a farmhouse brewer and maltster in Stjørdal.

Stig Seljeset

Stig comes from Hornindal, and has brewed kornøl since he was old enough to do it. He’s best known as the original owner of kveik #22 Stalljen. He joined the board in 2018, and helps Ståle with local tasks. He’s also responsible for the brewing demonstration held before and after the festival.

Lars Marius Garshol

Lars Marius took over as chair after William Holden two years ago, and handed the baton to Vidar (see above) this year. He has written a little about this decision on his blog.

Take the boat to Hornindal!

MS Bruvik.

This year (2023) it’s possible to take a guided boat tour to the festival on Thursday October 5, the day before the festival starts.

The boat goes from Ålesund harbour to Øye, and from there by bus to Hornindal. Included in the ticket is a bus return from Hornindal to Ålesund on Sunday October 8, the day after the festival.

There will be a guide on board to tell you about what we see along the way.

Thursday October 5

1200: The boat leaves from Ålesund harbour, by the bus station. Right next to the brewpub Molo Brew.

We will sail a scenic route past the islands to the mainland, and from there into Hjørundfjord, one of the most beautiful fjords in western Norway.

It will be possible to buy snacks and drinks (including beer) on board.

Inner Hjørundfjord. Mount Slogen on the left, on the right Stålberghornet, Helghornet, and Jakta.

1400: We go ashore at Øye, and make a stop at Hotel Union, an old historic hotel. It will be possible to buy coffee and cakes in the salon, and also to look around the hotel. Emperor Wilhelm II was a frequent visitor to the hotel, and his personal bathtub is still there.

Hotel Union.

1500: We leave the hotel by bus, and drive up Norangsdalen.

We will make a stop in Norangsdalen, a highly scenic valley. The valley was flooded in the early 20th century, and some of the buildings in the valley from that time can still be seen under the water.

From Norangsdalen we drive down Hornindal valley and make a brief stop at Horndøla bridge.

Horndøla bridge. The sharp mountain in the background is Hornindalsrokken.

1700: We arrive at Hotel Raftevold in Grodås, Hornindal.

Sunday October 8

0815: The bus departs from Hotel Raftevold.

1045: The bus arrives at Ålesund airport, Vigra (AES).


Tickets are available at Tikkio, and cost 1800 NOK per person.

Foredragsholder: Jeff Alworth

Jeff Alworth.

Jeff Alworth kommer til festivalen for å holde foredrag. Det har fått tittelen «The Norwegian Farmhouse Tradition is a Lot More Than Kveik Yeast» og skal handle om hvordan en utenlandsk ølekspert ser på norsk tradisjonsøl.

Jeff er godt plassert til å holde det foredraget, for han er forfatteren av The Beer Bible, en av de viktigste oversiktsbøkene om øl som er gitt ut. Den nye utgaven dekker også tradisjonsøl, og i mai var Jeff på Voss og opplevde tradisjonsbryggingen der. Jeff har gitt ut totalt 5 bøker om øl, og står bak den høyt ansette bloggen Beervana, så han vet hva han snakker om.


Jeff Alworth will be coming to the festival to do a talk he’s titled «The Norwegian Farmhouse Tradition is a Lot More Than Kveik Yeast«. It’s about how the Norwegian brewing tradition looks to a foreign beer expert.

Jeff is well placed to give that talk, as he’s the author of The Beer Bible, one of the most important introductory books about beer. The second edition also covers traditional brewing, and in May Jeff was in Voss where he saw the traditional brewing up close. Jeff has published 5 books on beer, and is the author of the highly regarded blog Beervana. So he knows what he’s talking about.

Jeff (right) on tour promoting the second edition of the Beer Bible.

Omvisning på Hornindal mølle


På lørdag vil vi arrangere omvisning på Hornindal mølle, ikke langt fra hallen. Den er bygd på 1920-tallet, og ble brukt av bøndene i bygda til tørking av korn og malt, og maling av korn. Den har også spilt en rolle i tradisjonsbryggingen i nyere tid. Omvisning krever billett, som koster 50,-, og kan kjøpes på Tikkio.

English: On Saturday there will be a guided tour of Hornindal mølle, not far from the festival hall. The mill was built in the 1920s, and was used by the farmers in the valley for drying grain and malt, and grinding grain. The mill has also been important in the farmhouse brewing more recently. The tour requires a ticket, which costs 50 NOK, and can be bought on Tikkio.

Korntørka / the grain drier.