Bård Romar Håveid, the blogger behind Huldrevatn and Northern Route will be covering the festival live in both Norwegian and English. He’ll be posting on Instagram at Huldrevatn (in Norwegian) and Northern Route (in English) throughout the festival.
He’s also suggesting that people who post from the festival all use the same hashtag, #norskkornølfestival, which seems like a good idea.
On Youtube he’s already set up a number of streams for things he knows are coming:
- The festival opening
- Talk by Vidar Skeie
- Talk by Karoline Kjesrud (vikings)
- Talk by Lars Marius Garshol (kveik research)
- Talk by Mika Laitinen (Finnish brewing, in English)
- Talk by Jeff Alworth (in English)
- Announcement of the winners of the brewing competitions
A playlist of recordings from last year is available.
There will also be another live stream from the conference in Norwegian. We’ll announce that one when we have the details.